DIY Fabric Covered Clipboard

Learn how to transform a boring clipboard by covering it with fabric.

DIY Fabric Covered Clipboard | Sarah Hearts

Ok, so this might sound kinda crazy to some of you (especially to my husband who absolutely loathes being in school), but I miss being in school, well college, really. I hated high school but that’s another post. I was that student who loved my classes and being in the studio all day and night! One of the small things that I miss about not being in school is back to school shopping. New clothes, new back pack, and my favorite part—new supplies.

So in honor of everyone else going back to school this month I decided to make a simple tutorial for a fabric covered clipboard. So those of you that are going back to school can use it for note taking, while I plan on using mine for my daily to-do list.

Head on over to The Wayfair blog for the step-by-step tutorial!


  1. I’m totally with ya! I don’t miss school but I love this time of year for buying new supplies! I do it even though I’m not necessarily in “need” of them, more like total want!
    Love this clipboard, the fabric is really cute. Fun idea!

  2. I can’t wait to try this out. I’ve been wanting to get a cute clipboard for some time but I haven’t found any patterns that I liked. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I hated high school, but loved university too! It seemed so much easier to spend early mornings & extremely late nights in the lab then :) I still do the back to school shopping for fun…:)

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