How to Sew the Joyful June Project Panel

Learn how to complete the Sarah Hearts project panel! Here are step-by-step directions for finishing the bandana and sewing a bow scrunchie.

Thank you so much for purchasing one of our limited-edition project panels at QuiltCon! This post will walk you through the steps of completing both the banana and the bow scrunchies.

If you were lucky enough to snag one of our limited edition project panels at QuiltCon this year, here are step-by-step directions for each project. We also included a few additional fun ladybug and flower shapes that can be used as appliqué.

Please tag us when you share your finished projects. We love to see what you create!

Make the Bandana

The project panel includes a large bandana that simply needs to be cut out and hemmed. The directions below outline how to do a simple double-fold hem but you can also use a serger to do a lovely rolled hem.

Step 1

Cut it out! Follow the dark green edges of the square shape to cut out the banana panel.

Step 2

Fold the edges in 1/4″ and press. Fold again 1/4″ and press.

Step 3

Edge stitch on all sides and you’re done!

Sew the Bow Scrunchies

The project panel includes 2 bow scrunchies as shown above. If you want to omit the bow simply don’t add it!

Step 1

Cut it out! Follow the edges of each bow and scrunchie shape. Each scrunchie will have 2 pointed oval shapes and 1 long rectangle.

Step 2

Use a marking pen or chalk to mark 2″ from the ends on the rectangle piece. Fold these ends in 1/4″ and press.

Repeat on the opposite end of the rectangle.

Step 3

Place the pointed oval shapes right sides together and sew along the edges using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave about 1.5″ opening. Backstitch and the beginning and end.

Sew along the long edge of the scrunchie, between the marked ends, using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Backstitch and the beginning and end.

Step 4

Turn the pointed rectangles (this is the bow) right side out. Press.

Edgestitch all the way around, about 1/8″ from the edge.

Step 5

Attach a large safety pin to one end of the scrunchie tube. Push it through the tube to turn the scrunchie right side out.

Step 6

bring the short ends of the scrunchie right sides together and sew using a 1/4″ seam allowance.

Step 7

Cut a 1/4″ or 3/8″ piece of elastic 6.5″ long.

Use a safety pin to insert it in the long tube. Sew the ends of the elastic together.

Sew the opening of the scrunchie closed. Tie the bow on the finished scrunchie. Wear and enjoy!

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